MINI-SNMPD(8) (smm)
MINI-SNMPD(8) System Manager's Manual (smm) MINI-SNMPD(8)

a minimal implementation of an SNMP daemon

mini-snmpd [
-4, --use-ipv4
] [
-6, --use-ipv6
] [
-a, --auth
] [
-c, --community STR
] [
-C, --contact NAME
] [
-d, --disks DIR
] [
-D, --description STR
] [
-f, --file FILE
] [
-h, --help
] [
-i, --interfaces IFNAME
] [
-I, --listen IFNAME
] [
-l, --loglevel LEVEL
] [
-L, --location STR
] [
-n, --foreground
] [
-p, --udp-port PORT
] [
-P, --tcp-port PORT
] [
-s, --syslog
] [
-t, --timeout SEC
] [
-u, --drop-privs USER
] [
-v, --version
] [
-V, --vendor OID

mini-snmpd is a program that serves basic system parameters to clients using the Simple Network Management Protocol (SNMP) version 1 or 2c.
By default mini-snmpd starts in the background, detaching from the controlling terminal, like a traditional UNIX daemon. Modern init systems may require services to run in the foreground, to that end the -n option in combination with the -s option to enable logging using syslog.
The default vendor OID is only a placeholder where you need to insert the PEN (private enterprise number) of your organization. If you do not have one you can get one assigned by the Internet Assigned Numbers Authority (IANA), free of charge. See their PEN application web page at

Use IPv4, default
Use IPv6
Require client authentication, thus SNMP version 2c, default is off.
--community STR
SNMP version 2c authentication, or community, string, default is "public". Remember to also enable --auth to activate authentication.
--contact NAME
Contact address to device administrator, default is none.
--disks DIR[,DIR,DIR]
The list of disk mount points to monitor, default is '/'. Separate multiple directories with a comma, colon, or a semicolon.
--description STR
The description of the device, default is empty.
--file FILE
Configuration file, default: /etc/mini-snmpd.conf
Show summary of command line options and exit.
--interface IFNAME[,IFNAME]
List of network interfaces to monitor for IF-MIB, default is none. Separate multiple interface names with comma or semicolon, not colon!
--listen IFNAME
Network interface to bind to, default is listen on all interfaces.
--loglevel LEVEL
Set log level: none, err, info, notice, debug. Default: notice.
--location STR
The location of the device, default is empty.
Run in foreground, do not detach from controlling terminal.
--udp-port PORT
UDP port to listen to for incoming connections, default is 161.
--tcp-port PORT
TCP port to listen to for incoming connections, default is 161.
Use syslog for logging, even if running in the foreground.
--timeout SEC
Timeout for updating the MIB variables, default is 1 second.
--drop-privs USER
Drop privileges after opening sockets to USER, default: no.
Show program version and exit.
--vendor OID
The OID of the device vendor, this MUST be changed to your own organization's OID. Default is .

mini-snmpd responds to the following signals:
Tell mini-snmpd to exit gracefully
Same as TERM

configuration file. See mini-snmpd.conf(5) for more information.
Sourced by systemd unit file, $DAEMON_OPTS is supported
default process ID file


mini-snmpd -a -c secret -D "My device" -d /cf -i lo,eth0
This command starts the program at the default port, using the community string "secret", the system description "My device" and provides disk statistics for the "/cf" (compact flash) mount point, with network interface statistics for the interfaces "lo" and "eth0".

mini-snmpd was originally written by Robert Ernst ⟨⟩. It is currently maintained by Joachim Nilsson ⟨⟩ at GitHub.
February 2, 2020 Debian